

2018-01-05 翻吧君 翻吧

Amid unceasing criticism of Facebook’s immense power and pernicious impact on society, its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, announced Thursday that his "personal challenge" for 2018 will be “to focus on fixing these important issues”. "Facebook has a lot of work to do – whether it's protecting our community from abuse and hate, defending against interference by nation states, or making sure that time spent on Facebook is time well spent," Zuckerberg wrote on his Facebook page. “We won't prevent all mistakes or abuse, but we currently make too many errors enforcing our policies and preventing misuse of our tools.”——Mark Zuckerberg sets toughest new year's goal yet: fixing Facebook,the Guardian,  Jan. 4, 2018



根据中央气象台的监测,3日白天,甘肃东部、宁夏大部、陕西中南部、山西南部、河南南部、湖北中北部、安徽中部、江苏中部等地的部分地区出现降雪或雨转雪、雨夹雪,降水量普遍有2~8毫米,河南南阳、湖北襄樊等局地有12~15毫米。——今冬最强降雪迎来“最强时段” 7省有大到暴雪  中国新闻网,2018年1月4日

参考译文:During the day of January 3, snow and rainfall began sweeping eastern Ganshu, major part of Ningxia, south-centeral Shaanxi, southern Shanxi, centeral Henan, North-central Hubei, centeral Anhui and Jiangsu, where the rainfall was forecast about 2 to 8 centimeters, while the rainfall could reach 12 to 15 centimeters in areas of Nanyang of Henan and Xiangfang of Hubei, according to the National Meteorological Center. ——The Heaviest Snow Swept Sevan Provinces, Chinanews, Jan. 4, 2018. 

解析:在英文的句子,还是要将重点的内容和信息放在最前面。“降雪或雨转雪、雨夹雪”是关键。不过,不必直译这几个词,用snow and rainfall就可以表达。另外,“降水量普遍有2~8毫米”用作一个定语从句,与前面的内容连接起来。While并列分句则将“河南南阳、湖北襄樊等局地有12~15毫米”的意思与前面的部分在语义上关联起来。“局地”是“局部地区”的意思,用areas of就可,或是some part of 也可。



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